Volcano News

Welcome to a special page dedicated to the latest news from Iceland.


We receive a lot of questions about the volcano. Where to park, where to hike etc. Our customers that have visited the Volcano all say the same. “We should have worried less about this information! Just go there and it is perfectly clear.”

For people that want to prepare we found Information on the page of the district Reykjanesbær. The volcano is in that district, the villages are Keflavik, Grindavik, Vogar, Njarðvík, Garður, Sangerði Hafnir and more..

The latest news directly from Iceland

Read it here first! Camper Iceland is on the lookout for information on all media pages. Even if we find news in Icelandic we aim to translate it as soon as possible and post it. 

Volcano – Fagrahraun in Iceland

Volcano – Fagrahraun in Iceland

First earthquake: 24th of February Total earthquakes before eruption: ca. 40.000 5,7 m3/sec so far over 1.800.000 m3 of LAVA 22 meters -thickness and 9.5 meter with of lava flowIcelanders love to visit the volcano. According to local news there have never been as many...

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40 people that visited the volcano needed assistance!

40 people that visited the volcano needed assistance!

Almost 40 people in different conditions received help from a first aid center that the Red Cross opened at the local School in Grindavik (Hópsskóli Grindavík) last night. One was transported by ambulance from the station due to injury. No one was in danger, according...

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What kind of LAVA is it?

What kind of LAVA is it?

"This is a relatively primitive basalt and different from what occurred in fissure eruptions on the Reykjanes peninsula on 9-13. Century. It looks a bit like a mound of eruptions in older mounds on the peninsula, "says dr. Guðmundur Heiðar Guðfinnsson, geologist at...

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Visit the Volcano – like Icelanders do

Visit the Volcano – like Icelanders do

Perhaps you read about our 15% discount a week ago. All you have to do is enter the promo code VOLCANO into our booking engine. get the latest news, live cameras and discounts on our VOLCANO PAGE. News from Iceland: "The eruption is a great spectacle and although the...

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Experts from the Institute of Earth Sciences flew Isavia's plane over the earthquakes at Fagradalsfjall tonight in order to locate the eruption sites. An announcement from the institute states that the eruption fissure is 0.5-1 kilometers long. It has previously been...

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Earthquake continue

Earthquake continue

Yesterday we wrote that the earthquakes have almost stopped. Today it's back on! The earthquake specialist predicted in our last post, that the earthquakes could continue. It seems he was right because today at 04:30 AM Icelandic time the earth shook (3.4 Richter...

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Hopes for Volcano are almost gone

Hopes for Volcano are almost gone

According to local news the earthquakes have almost stopped and the magma flow has decreased heavily. There is still a small movement that will be monitored. The geological specialist Halldor Geirsson states: "It is still neccessary to monitor the situation and there...

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Reporters have arrived & volcano discount

Reporters have arrived & volcano discount

The first reporters have arrived in Iceland and the Helicopter companies are getting ready to offer flights over the volcano. Just to be clear, the volcano has not erupted yet but the likes of one starting soon are great. What are you waiting for? Camper Iceland is...

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Earthquake Video

Earthquake Video

Check this out! The video was taken by the security cam of the local rescue officials. Stay tuned for more information here: https://www.campericeland.is/volcano-news/ Source: mbl.is

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Volcano News Link on Camper Iceland

Volcano News Link on Camper Iceland

Dear friends of Camper Iceland We just added a link to our webpage to access the latest news in regard to the earthquakes and possible Volcano. Camper Iceland is following the Icelandic news, and we translate important news as soon as possible. Many customers want to...

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Earthquake 5.4 Richter – Is this the beginning

Earthquake 5.4 Richter – Is this the beginning

Many customers have contacted us lately and asked when will the volcano finally erupt. Even though the COVID restrictions are still in place people want to see the volcano as soon as it erupts. The earthquake that took place 14:15 today is one more sign that it could...

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34000 earthquakes so far

34000 earthquakes so far

So far we have had over 34.000 earthquakes since they started on the 24th of February. According to local officials that is more than all of 2020, even though last year was considered high in earthquakes! Another comparison is the year 2019 with 3.400 earthquakes. In...

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Iceland – Magma now 1Km from surface

Iceland – Magma now 1Km from surface

The signs and proof that magma is now flowing straight up are getting stronger. At the same time, the vertical movement of the magma has decreased. According to Morgunblaðið the magma is now only one kilometer from the surface. At first, we learned that the magma was...

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Volcano Update – Names and Information

Volcano Update – Names and Information

Newsflash The weekend was "shaky"! A new record was set with 5.0 on the Richter Scale (yesterday over 2800 earthquakes). The inhabitants of Grindavik woke up in the middle of the night. The earth shook heavily for almost 20 Minutes. To ease their minds and to calm the...

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Second largest earthquake since beginning

Second largest earthquake since beginning

The night was quiet and nice. However, this morning the earthquakes started again and the one at 8:54 AM was 4,5 on the Richter scale. The earthquake is thereby the second largest since the 24th of February when it all started. The origin of this earthquake was again...

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Volcano will erupt

Volcano will erupt

Now hear this, now hear this! Víðir Reyn­is­son, chief of the Department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management just stated that the volcano may in fact erupt within minutes or hours. There is no proof yet, however all signs are there that this will in fact be...

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