The nordic names
Welcome to iceland, the land of the vikings
Viking Rule nr 1
When camping in Iceland leave the site in a better condition then you found it.
Viking rule nr 2
Drive as if you had a glass full of water in your hand and try not to spill a drop.
Viking Rule nr 3
If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

The gods
Norse names
ODIN (Icelandic: Óðinn)
This is the name of the highest and oldest god in Nordic mythology as it appears in the Eddas, and Odin is more multifaceted than any of the other gods. He is the father of other gods and is therefore called Allfather. He is an idol of fiction, an idol of death and a war idol, and in addition he is an idol of magic, sorcery, runic spells and oblivion. His many names in mythology also show how multifaceted he is. Odin and his brothers, Vilji and Véi, are the first gods. They are the sons of Bor and the giantess Bestla. Odinn is married to Frigg and his sons are Baldur (with Frigg), Þór (with Jörð) and Váli (with Rindi). These family ties already appear in rhyming poems, but Snorri Sturluson also says that Heimdall, Tý, Braga, Víðar and Höð are Odin’s sons. Odin’s dwelling is called Asgard, and his throne is Hliðskjálf, and from that he saw all the worlds and every man’s deeds. His characteristics are the ring Draupnir, the beak Gungnir, the two ravens Huginn and Muninn and the eight-legged horse Sleipnir. Odin gained his knowledge by drinking from Mímisbrunnur, but for that he had to put one eye on the line.
THOR (Icelandic: Þór)
The god of thunder, the strongest of all gods, their protector and protector of humans. He is considered a tall man, strong, red-bearded with a piercing gaze. Þór is the son of Óðinn and Jarður, his wife is Sif and their children are Móði, Magni and Þrúður. Þór’s house is Þrúðvangur (or Þrúðheimur) and his palace is called Bilskirnir. Þór has a large wagon pulled by two bucks (male goat) called Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstur. Þór’s characteristics are his main gardens, iron gloves and the letter Gríðarvölur that he got from the cricketer Gríður. Þór’s most notable feature is the Mjollnir hammer, which is his most powerful weapon in the fight against giants. Mjölnir or Þórshamarinn is now one of the main symbols of pagans.
Sif is Thors wife and a mighty warrior (shield maiden). In Norse mythology, Sif is a golden-haired goddess associated with earth. Sif is attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources, and the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson, and in the poetry of skalds.
Hel comes from “helen”, so it means to make invisible. She is a hidden goddess. Her home, Helheim, lies far from the light of the sun. This is the origin of all being and life, and this is where it returns again. Hel is the goddess of the underworld, fertility, birth and death as well as the mother of all life. Hel is the daughter of Loki and Angrboda. Her siblings are the Fenris Wolf and the Midgard Serpent.
The beautiful and noble goddess of love and fertility is of habit, the daughter of Njarður and his sister, and the sister of Freys. Her husband’s name is Óður and their daughters are Hnoss and Gersemi.
Her cottage is Fólkvangur where the large and beautiful hall Sessrúmnir is. Her characteristics are the brisket menu, the rolling hammer and the boar Hildisvíni.
Freyja rode as two cats dragged as she traveled. She is considered to be the patron goddess of homes and it is good to name her for love and pleasure.
Head goddess of ancestry and wife of Odin, Baldur’s mother. She is Fjörgynsdóttir, but her father is otherwise unknown. Her house in Ásgarður is called Fensalir where the virgins Fulla and Gná serve her. Its hallmark is the roller coaster. Frigg knows all about fate.
IDUNN (Icelandic: Iðunn)
The one who renews and wife to god Bragi. She preserves the nine golden apples that the gods bite into as they age and then become young again until the end of the world (Ragnarök). In Skáldskaparmálar it is said that once the giant Þjass robbed both Iðunn and the apples and the gods soon began to age. But for Loki’s cunning (who was actually responsible for the fact that Þjassi got the apples), they managed to kill Þjassi and recover both Iðunn and the apples, thus securing eternal youth.
LOKI Laufeyjarson
Half an god and half a giant. His father is the giant Fárbauti but his mother’s name is Laufey. His brothers are Býleistur and Helblindi. With his wife Sigyn he married Narfa. With the gypsy Angurboða, Loki had three offspring, Fenrisúlf, Miðgarðsorm and Hel, and in the form of a mare he gave birth to Sleipnir, the son of the stallion Svaðilfari. Loki is considered to be the most complex god in atheism. Loki is said to be beautiful and likewise beautiful in appearance, diverse in manners. He has the qualities superior to other men called cunning (slægð) and machines for all things.